About ILYB
We are here to foster and ignite a passion for birding among young people, provide community, promote conservation, investigate careers in birding, build positive relationships with other birding groups, and most of all to have fun! If you aren’t already a member, keep in touch with fellow young birders by joining us!
ILYB Club Highlights
Keep in touch with your fellow young birders by joining this fun and exciting birding group. ILYB Members have the opportunity to take part in the following:MONTHLY FIELD TRIPS
Join other young birders on regular field trips to places throughout Illinois.YOUNG BIRDERS SYMPOSIUM
Take part in the annual Illinois Young Birders Symposium that features young birder presentations and art.2020 ILYB Virtual Symposium
Become a Member and Join ILYB Today!
Support ILYB Efforts
Adults and other birding/nature clubs can also be a part of Illinois Young Birders and support ILYB efforts and Initiatives. Learn more below!Trip Reports & News
News, field trip reports, and highlight photos from past trips taken by the Illinois Young Birders Club. Trip reports are written by both young birders and adults. If you would like to contribute, let us know!
Our website has flown offline.
Please visit our temporary website: https://www.illinoisbirds.org/illinois-young-birders-welcome/ Housed within the website of our parent organization, the Illinois Ornithological Society, you can find all information about IL Young Birders, including our field[…]
Read moreWooded Island and Park No. 566
March 23 Trip Report by Peter Tolzmann Jackson Park, on the south side of Chicago, is one of the best places for birding in the Chicago area, with over 300[…]
Read moreBird Names and Naming Birds: A young birder’s perspective
By Maxima Gomez-Palmer McCown’s longspur, Audubon’s warbler, Bachman’s sparrow… what do these birds have in common? They are all named after people, specifically white men. There are over 130 different[…]
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