2020 ILYB Virtual Symposium

Illinois Young Birders is excited to announce the 2020 Illinois Young Birder Virtual Symposium on Saturday, August 29th. Join us online for a morning of chatting about birding, presentations by young birders, artwork by young birders, and an exciting keynote address by Kenn Kaufman, writer, birder, naturalist, and conservationist.
Join us for the 2020 Illinois Young Birder Virtual Symposium!
Registration open until Thursday, Aug. 27th – $10/household
Saturday, Aug 29 – 9:00am-10:30am
*optional bird chat at 8:30am
Tentative Schedule:
*8:00am – Go out birding around your house or in your neighborhood patch to see what’s out in the morning. (*optional)
*8:30am – Young birders gather online to chat about birds they saw that morning around their patch. (*optional)
9:00am – Welcome & Intros
9:10am – Young Birder Presentations
9:30am – Art Show slideshow
9:40am – Young Birder Presentations
10:00am – Keynote Speaker: Kenn Kaufman
10:30am – Wrap-up

About keynote speaker, Kenn Kaufman
Kenn Kaufman, the originator and editor of the Kaufman Field Guides series is a lifelong naturalist. His fascination with birds developed at the age of six, and he went on to become one of the world’s best-known bird experts, but his interests extend to every area of nature. Since the late 1990s, most of his attention has gone into the Kaufman Field Guides. Countless hours in the field doing research and photography are followed up with countless hours of writing, editing, and design work, collaborating with experts in each subject to ensure the highest quality in the finished books. Aside from the field guides, Kenn’s best-known book is his Kingbird Highway. It has become something of a cult classic, especially among young birders. It tells the story of his adventures as a teenager in the 1970s, thumbing rides all over North America in an obsessive search for birds.

The ILYB Symposium is designed to celebrate the skills of young people. To that end, we would love for everyone to participate.
We need your help to make this event a success. ILYB is looking for youth presenters to speak about an area of interest related to birding, conservation, or being a naturalist and youth artists willing to exhibit their artwork in a digital art show. On the registration page, you will find links to sign up for each. We hope you will join us.
We are looking for young birders who have interesting educational presentations in areas such as: bird monitoring, personal birding experiences, habitat restoration and conversation, building birding communities, and more. If you would like to have your presentation considered for the symposium, please click the link and follow the instructions to send in your submission for review. We will review your submission and four presentations will be chosen prior to the event.
Speak at the Symposium – Deadline for submission = July 31st, 2020
If you would like to exhibit artwork, please click the link and follow the instructions to send in your submission. We will review your submission and art selections will be chosen prior to the event.
Exhibit Your Artwork – Deadline for submission = August 6th, 2020
Email andrea@illinoisbirds.org with any questions about submissions.