ILYB Symposium Recap, Presentations, and Art Gallery
Hi, my name is Peter Tolzmann and I’m a young Birder. Even though this year’s IOS Symposium was held online it was a good one! Four different young birders shared their presentations with the group. There was also an art gallery where young birders showed their own illustrations and photographs! Then, the keynote speaker, Kenn Kaufman, shared his wonderful presentation on how everything is connected. It was awesome to have a famous birder and naturalist to talk to a lot of young birders! It was a very inspiring talk and an all around good time! -Peter Tolzmann
If you were unable to attend the symposium, all of the young birder presentations and the art gallery are posted below.

Illinois Young Birder Gracie McMahon was chosen as the ABA’s Young Birder of 2020. At the Symposium, she shared with us the process and and work that she did for the competition.

Peter Tolzmann presented about the ways humans impact the bird world through building structure and our choice of building materials, the importance of keeping cats indoors, and laws that support bird conservation.

John Fabrycky shared his birding experiences from a trip to Israel. He talked about the flyways and bird migration pathways through that part of the world.

Oliver Burrus presented on his use of data collection, data analysis, and the use of citizen science to learn more about the birds and the natural world around him.

Missed the symposium and want to watch the whole event? Click this link to access the 2020 IL Young Birders Virtual Symposium video.