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Cranes by the Thousands!

Lake View Beach, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore E. Lake Front Drive and Broadway Street, Beverly Shores, IN, United States

Cranes by the Thousands! Join us on an all-day excursion to the Indiana lakefront and Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area on Saturday, November 30. Last year we ran this trip with great success, seeing Sandhill Cranes by the tens of thousands. Seeing these magnificent birds descend upon the fields in Indiana is breathtaking! We'll meet…
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North Shore Winter Birding with Amar Ayash

North Point Marina - Winthrop Harbor, IL 701 North Point Dr., Winthrop Harbor, IL, United States

Amar Ayash will join us to guide the Illinois Young Birders along the North Shore on Sunday, February 2, 2020! We will meet at North Point Marina in Winthrop Harbor, IL, at 8:30 a.m. and scan for winter waterfowl, gulls, and anything else in the area. From there we have many site options along the…
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Booming Prairie Chickens in Newton, IL

Prairie Ridge State Natural Area IL, United States

**cancelled** - Booming Prairie Chickens in Newton, IL Steve Bayer, leader   Few performances in the bird world are more memorable than the dawn display of Greater Prairie-Chickens at their booming ground, or lek—the traditional spot where males dance, call, and try to impress females with their vigor while drumming with their feet and producing…
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overnight trip

2020 ILYB Virtual Symposium

Virtual Event

Illinois Young Birders is excited to announce the 2020 Illinois Young Birder Virtual Symposium on Saturday, August 29th. Join us online for a morning of chatting about birding, presentations by young birders, artwork by young birders, and an exciting keynote address by Kenn Kaufman, writer, birder, naturalist, and conservationist. Join us for the 2020 Illinois…
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The specialty birds of the Palos Forest Preserves

Cap Sauer Woods, Palos FP Cap Sauer Woods

The Palos Forest Preserve district is an expansive area of connected woods, lakes, and prairies, each providing specific habitat that attracts some unique breeding birds to the area. ILYB will plan several stops to explore the area in search of all species of woodpeckers, Summer Tanager, Dickcissel, Blue Grosbeak, a variety of warblers, and more. Some stops…
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ILYB Winter Birding: McHenry Dam, Moraine Hills SP, and Volo Bog

McHenry Dam

Bundle up to look for wintering birds along the Fox River and nearby natural areas. Join ILYB as we look for birds along the river and other nearby State Natural Areas. Guest Field Trip Leader Lisa Maier will lead us around her patch to discover the birds and other wonders. As many lakes and sections of rivers freeze over,…
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21st Annual IOS/ILYB Gull Frolic

North Point Marina - Winthrop Harbor, IL 701 North Point Dr., Winthrop Harbor, IL, United States

Gull Frolic is a unique winter event at Illinois’ premier gull-watching hotspot, North Point Marina. Bring your binoculars, scope, and cold weather gear to join birders outside the yacht club for a close study of some of our harder-to-find winter gull species, including Iceland (Thayer’s and Kumlien’s), Glaucous, Great Black-backed, and Lesser Black-backed Gulls!  An…
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Camp Sagawau Bird Banding

Sagawau Environmental Learning Center 12545 111th St., Lemont, IL, United States

ILYB Field Trip: Camp Sagawau Bird Banding   Saturday, July 22nd - 10:00am IL Young Birders is excited to offer a bird banding demonstration at Camp Sagawau in partnership with the Sagawau EnvironmIL Young Birders is excited to offer a bird banding demonstration at Camp Sagawau in partnership with the Sagawau Environmental Learning Center in Lemont.…
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Fall Migrants and Hawk Watch @ Greene Valley Forest Preserve

Greene Valley Forest Preserve Bolingbrook, IL

Fall is a great time to put your eyes to the sky in search of migrants. Before joining the Greene Valley Hawk Watch at the top of the scenic overlook, we will bird around the base of the scenic overlook at Greene Valley Forest Preserve to look for warblers and sparrows in the woodlands and prairie.…
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